
WAU - The BEST feature-packed smart eBike

Created by Linas T. Pozerskis

Check us our at

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fri Mar 22 '19 Announcement
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 12:11:12 PM

Hey Guys 

We have seen all of your concerns, and we will address all of them in the next update which is coming tomorrow :) 

We know you guys will be enjoying your weekend, but definitely don't forget to check your email tomorrow. 



Crystal, Linas, Tony and WAU Team


Thu Mar 21 '19 Announcement
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 02:24:59 PM

!! Attention All Awesome WAU Members !!

** Now Shipping **

We are SUPER proud to share that we have finally approached the first shipping round as promised to all backers.

In the process of filming the manufacturing progress, the manufacturing team wasted no time and have worked hard to finish the first WAU round without any further delays. 

After all the hard work, sweat, sleepless nights, and receding hairlines (lol), we can proudly say that the first container carrying 100 bikes have left the factory today! Whilst it may feel like a small number, we are extremely happy to finally reach this milestone. The first batch is always the most difficult to get out for brand new products.  

Where is it going?

The first container is heading straight to the US. By the end of April, we expect your sexy WAU bikes be arriving on your doorsteps (if we don't heavy traffic).   We will be shortly cramping in as many WAU Bikes as we can for the next shipment going to US, EU and the rest of the world to cut delivery time down even more.  

The next batch of containers will be leaving at the end of April beginning of May.  We will inform you guys further for Batch 4 and Batch 5 regarding the estimated time.

Sharing is Caring

We, the entire WAU team request all backers to take images of their WAU Bike in different locations, we want to see you guys smiling and riding with absolute thrill, and DEFINITELY showing it off to your friends and family ;) Special brownie points for those that take it to the next level and record the experience from unboxing all the way to taking it out for a ride.  Tag us on social media, post on YouTube, show us how proud you are to own a spaceship of an ebike.

Please Click on the link to view the brand-new video update, we are already producing a video for unpacking and what to do when you receive your WAU Bike :)   


Why can't I see the assembly line? 

We are working as fast as we can in every department to make sure we ship these bikes out to you guys as soon as possible. It is extremely intense travelling to different suppliers, going to the motor supplier, frame factory, and WAU Casing injection tooling factories. Whilst we were being super busy, the first round of WAU bikes was made and packed ready to go.

Vlogging every step of the process is extremely time-consuming, so to avoid any further delay we have prioritised shipping first. Next video we will show you our assembly line. 

What batch am I in?

We had many team meetings regarding how to reduce delivery time and get these WAU bikes to their new owners as soon as possible, and here is our game plan. To ensure all bikes are delivered to backers by June, we will be clustering all backers based on region. We will do all we can to prioritise early backers. However, in some cases, grouping orders by region allow us to reach maximum shipping efficiencies and allow us to deliver faster. 

We will update your status in Backerkit after a shipment has left the factory, you will be informed almost immediately if your bike was in that container. 

Estimated Arrival Time

We have received reports of other factory shipments. The shipping time will be longer (especially for Europe), all thanks to Trump and Brexit. There are large numbers of shipment leaving Asia, causing a huge lead time/blockage on the water as a result.  Original estimation was 4-6 weeks, however with more and more shipments leaving we are looking at 4-8 weeks.  You also need to add another 1-2 weeks for customs clearance and for last mile delivery.  A tracking number will be provided once it reaches our warehouse. 


VAT & Duty
All imports are subject to VAT and Duty from your country, whilst we all don't like giving money to the government, this is something sadly we cannot avoid. Once the container reaches the port, ALL duties and VAT must be paid in order to clear custom. We will contact you further to collect VAT and Duty for your shipment. 


**Please note, the backers that are in the first container, you must clear your VAT and Duties when we contact you, any outstanding payment will cause a delay in clearing custom. This is very important! ** 

** WAU Air **

WAU AIR will be starting in April. Air freight will reach you guys approx. 2 -4 weeks sooner compared to sea shipping.  With Air Freight you will skip all traffic experienced in sea shipping.  

Delivery time is 7-10 working days from the day of departure. Backers with Air freight will start receiving their WAU bikes at from the from Mid-April onward. As many documents for are quite complicated to ensure all details are correct. But to be more specific for WAU Air backers your WAU Power Cell C3 battery packs will arrive roughly 2 days before the WAU Bike itself, this is due to the strict air freight policies.

** Manufacturing Continues ** 

The manufacturing process will now carry on non-stop to fulfil all backers’ orders asap and in the process. Linas will work hard to manage the entire process and show you all the behind the scenes process such as frame painting, more parts being delivered, final assembly line when fitting over 100 parts together and the even the original WAU cell case being moulded. 
Will show you guys how it all comes together in the upcoming updates.


WAU Team

Sat Mar 9 '19 Announcement
almost 6 years ago – Sat, Mar 09, 2019 at 02:29:04 PM

Hey Guys, 

Beginning of the trip and frame factory VIDEO UPDATE is finally here!! 

Here we take you behind the scene to the frame factory, these are the staff that machine, weld, cut, drill and heat-treat all the WAU frames for you guys. The factory is absolutely huge and extremely loud with all the work going on. We really loved being there and seeing all of our frames being worked on and seeing our vision finally come to REALITY! 

We will take you guys through all the hard working factories involved in making your WAU bike, and lead you all the way to the final assembly line. :) We really want to show you guys the entire process of making a WAU Bike, and truly see the magic by going behind the scenes in the making of your new perfect ride!

Click the link below for the video update: 

Backerkit Address Confirmation
You have 24 hours left before we fully lock down your final address! Please ensure your address is correct so you can be sure to receive your WAU Bike right on your doorsteps. We won't be able to change your address once it is passed on to our courier and on the way to you guys. :) 

Air Freight
We are truly surprised by the number of requests for Air Freight. We will start to gather list for those who want their WAU Bike shipped by Cargo Jet Plane very soon, make sure you let us know beforehand if you want this service by quickly shooting us an email with the words "WAU Air".
The usual time of delivery via air is roughly 7-10 days, very rarely it will exceed 14 days. Air Freight tracking number will be provided as soon as it gets handed over to the courier (Tracking number will not be available for sea freight till after it reaches the destination port). 

Bike Assembly
We received quite a lot of enquiries regarding assembling your WAU bike on delivery. There will be no major assembly required, however as you see on the video you do need to put your own pedals on with the little toolkit we provide you with. We do this to simply reduce the size of the shipping box and in return reducing the shipping cost for you guys. It is really straight forward to do the last little bolt-ons (usually takes under 20min). We will release a further video to show the un-boxing, minor assembly, how to unlock the hardware and software and operate your awesome computer display! :)

We have faced many challenges along the way, and we extremely appreciate you guys for being here for us and supporting us all the way from the beginning. <3 And in return, you guys will receive the Most BADASS bikes anyone has ever seen/had!!! :) 



Crystal, Linas, Tony - WAU Team

Fri Mar 8 '19 Announcement
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Mar 08, 2019 at 11:01:08 AM

Hey Guys :)

Video Update 
Latest straight off the camera VIDEO update coming directly to you in 24 hours, we have huge content to go through overnight to show you all the progress we have made so far. 

Here is a snapshot of half of the videos we received from Linas 

Limiters Off 
What we are about to tell you is to be strictly used ONLY on your own property and nowhere on public roads or government-controlled areas. ;-) This function is NOT permitted to use on public roads/public areas as it breaks the speed laws and will require you to have a licence.
Our team have recently gone through the in-depth settings on the WAU bike and we will show you in the next video update how to de-restrict your own WAU bike's top speed and boost the speed to near double the top speed which simply means for the WAU and WAU City 250W motor instead of going the standard 25km you can now choose to go up to 40km. (WAU S motor de-restrict top speed is still to be confirmed shortly).

Vice Versa using these settings you can also slow down the top speed to your complete desire or for example if you have children/teens that will be riding your WAU. 

Cargo Planes 
Many of you guys have also asked about air freight and our team have worked very hard with our providers when you order this option to arrange your WAU bike to be flown in by jet cargo planes rather than the conventional sea shipping. The additional cost for plane carriers is only $139, however, if you prefer the traditional way of shipping then everything is already covered and there is no extra cost at all :-) 

Working our assess off, but getting closer every day to the finish line! <3


P.s We are currently receiving a high number of enquiries, it may take 2-3 days before you hear back from us. Bear with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible guys :)



Crystal, Linas, Tony and WAU Team

Mon Feb 25 '19 Announcement
almost 6 years ago – Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 10:54:14 AM

Hey Guys :-)

Thank you for being extremely patient. Here is the latest update before our founder Linas takes off for the UK to visit all 4 factories in Asia to show you guys the current progress and all final shipping details. 

Linas will fly directly to all 4 factories to access all production on next Monday (Chinese visa policy has recently changed, which caused us to have a stamp problem with the invitation letter in the visa application. Therefore Linas will receive his VISA on Monday and fly right away on the same day) and move the production forward to shipping phase. Expect shipping calendar dates will be calculated and released by Linas inside the factories. We are all extremely excited to have the absolute FINAL WAU bikes completely finished and ready to go to their new owners!

Your shipping status will be notified on Backerkit + we will be locking down your addresses, and please let us know if you are moving or your address have been changed as all addresses need to be up to date! :-)

Yesterday we have received the absolute final WAU Bike (5th Generation) to the UK which you guys will receive in the post!

Here is a little sneak peek of the highlights of the final WAU Bike after all the free upgrades made such as:

  • Much better air suspension with lockout settings
  • Anti-pick lock, fully removable battery
  • Louder alarm
  • Frame adjustment
  • New electronic keys with enhanced signal strength
  • Diamond tech inner case strengthening
  • Suspension silicon seat
  • Brighter Super-Light indicators
  • Upgraded Tektro latest gen brake levers
  • A brand new hydro-formed frame. 

    Click The Video Here: 

P.S There is also a little sprinkle of magic all around the bike. Each WAU bike is engraved with secret messages. 

P.P.S Some backers have brought out some of their concerns/thoughts and this is some behind the scenes conversation to show you guys that we truly mean what we say and we care about every one of you. It wasn't easy to open up about some of the painful downfalls of day to day in this message, but you guys know the mission goal - !!!NO MATTER WHAT!!! all backers will receive their BEST WAUs 


Crystal, Tony, Linas and the entire WAU Team!